Tuesday, September 2, 2008

08/15/08 - Shabbos with the Herman Clan

The Herman clan came for Shabbos and we had loads of fun! On Sunday, Nana, Zaidy, Oma and Opa came for a visit and we celebrated lots of anniversaries!

08/11/08 - What A Great Smile!

08/07/08 - Playing Outdoors

Logan loves playing outdoors. Here he is attempting to sit up in the grass! He cant quite manage this trick yet, so he grabbed onto the grass for dear life! He does love being outdoors though!

08/06/08 - He takes after his Daddy

Logan got a baby laptop as a present and he loves it. Of course, its one of those obnoxious baby toys that has annoying sounds

that everyone but the baby hates, but it keeps Logan entertained! When the real laptop is nearby, he tries to play on that, but we keep giving him his own.

08/03/08 - Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, waiting for our food

This is Logan's first time sitting in the Stokke Tripp Trapp (our new high chair) to eat! The chair has no tray and can sit right up at the table. He waited so patiently for his meal!

08/01/08 - Happy Six Month Birthday!!

Logan turned 6 months and we had a birthday party for him. We all (Nana, Zaidy, us parents and Logan) wore transformer birthday hats and we sang. Then Logan had his first solids. He got rice cereal and he scarfed it down like he had been eating solids all his life! His first tooth popped today also!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

07/30/08 - Excersizing wtih Zaidy

Nothing like a vigorous excersize routine before dinner!! How many push-ups can you do?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

07/28/08 - Beef - Its whats for dinner

Logan can finally reach the toys on his swing - his favorite pastime is eating the cow and horse and hearing them make noise

07/27/08 - Logan in a bathrobe!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

07/23/08 - Down with Voldemort!

Logan already has an affinity for reading. He made it through Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 and is now starting to work his way through 7. Down with Voldemort!

07/21/08 - Logan and Daddy Part Deux

07/20/08 - Logan and Daddy at the Doctor

Logan isnt feeling well - he has a fever, a runny nose and some sort of virus!

07/18/08 - My Mommy Attacks Me and Other Stories

07/17/08 - Logan Wearing Daddy's Kippah

07/13/08 - What a smile!

Logan wore us both out and while playing we collapsed on the rug and took a nap! We both woke up happy and Logan gave me one of his best smiles!

07/10/08 Playing at Nana

Nana let Logan play on her oriental rug and then on her white couch! Logan likes to eat his feet now - I wish I were that flexible!

07/09/08 - At Nana's House

This morning, Logan woke up and lay down with me in a real bed. He had so much fun propped up on pillows and playing with the blanket. He also had a lot of fun playing in Nana's front lawn. Wow, grass!

07/07/08 - Bath Time with Clifford!

07/06/08 - Why Logan Shouldnt Pout

He just looks too cute!

07/04/08 - July Fourth

July 4 was hot and humid. Logan was decked out in a red and white outfit (thank you Aunt Chani) and sitting in a blue stroller. He covered his bases well :-) We went to the local town parade down Queen Anne Rd where they had marching bands, fire trucks, veterans, soccer teams etc. It was so cute - like a quaint, small town America. I felt like I was in the middle of Iowa!

07/03/08 - New Stroller

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for my new stroller. Its lightweight, sturdy and so comfortable.

07/02/08 - Caught in the act

Logan sucking his thumb - of course while we are trying to strap him in to his car seat :-)

07/01/08 - Just Looking Cute

Notice how nicely he is gripping the toy!

06/30/08 Asleep

Logan sleeping in his prefered corner of the crib. At least his face isnt smushed into the bumpers like it normally is!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

06/16/08 - 06/24/08 - More Cute Pictures

06/15/08 - Michael Schnur's Bris

Logan welcomed his new friend into the Jewish men's club! Although he didnt go to the bris he was very excited for his new friend. Logan hung out at Grandma and Grandpa while we went. Logan is finally able to wear the grand old opry tshirt we bought while he was still in utero. Its amazing that we bought it so long ago (Thanksgiving weekend) and he finally fits into it!

06/12/08 - Logan grasping toys

Logan now makes a lot of purposeful movements and loves playing and touching things. He grabs for anything near him. He especially loves his bouncer with toys above him. He can see things around him and play with his toys.

06/06/06 - Logan had a little lamb!

06/05/08 - Bedtime Story

The full family - Joey, Logan and Rory!!!

Mommy reading a bedtime story to Logan. He was so excited!

06/01/08 - 06/04/08 - Some Cute Pictures

For some reason blogspot is rotating these pictures but I'm leaving them anyway!