Tuesday, September 2, 2008

08/15/08 - Shabbos with the Herman Clan

The Herman clan came for Shabbos and we had loads of fun! On Sunday, Nana, Zaidy, Oma and Opa came for a visit and we celebrated lots of anniversaries!

08/11/08 - What A Great Smile!

08/07/08 - Playing Outdoors

Logan loves playing outdoors. Here he is attempting to sit up in the grass! He cant quite manage this trick yet, so he grabbed onto the grass for dear life! He does love being outdoors though!

08/06/08 - He takes after his Daddy

Logan got a baby laptop as a present and he loves it. Of course, its one of those obnoxious baby toys that has annoying sounds

that everyone but the baby hates, but it keeps Logan entertained! When the real laptop is nearby, he tries to play on that, but we keep giving him his own.

08/03/08 - Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, waiting for our food

This is Logan's first time sitting in the Stokke Tripp Trapp (our new high chair) to eat! The chair has no tray and can sit right up at the table. He waited so patiently for his meal!

08/01/08 - Happy Six Month Birthday!!

Logan turned 6 months and we had a birthday party for him. We all (Nana, Zaidy, us parents and Logan) wore transformer birthday hats and we sang. Then Logan had his first solids. He got rice cereal and he scarfed it down like he had been eating solids all his life! His first tooth popped today also!