Tuesday, September 2, 2008
08/15/08 - Shabbos with the Herman Clan
The Herman clan came for Shabbos and we had loads of fun! On Sunday, Nana, Zaidy, Oma and Opa came for a visit and we celebrated lots of anniversaries!

08/07/08 - Playing Outdoors
08/06/08 - He takes after his Daddy
08/03/08 - Here we sit like birds in the wilderness, waiting for our food
08/01/08 - Happy Six Month Birthday!!
Logan turned 6 months and we had a birthday party for him. We all (Nana, Zaidy, us parents and Logan) wore transformer birthday hats and we sang. Then Logan had his first solids. He got rice cereal and he scarfed it down like he had been eating solids all his life! His first tooth popped today also!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
07/28/08 - Beef - Its whats for dinner
Thursday, July 24, 2008
07/23/08 - Down with Voldemort!
07/10/08 Playing at Nana
07/09/08 - At Nana's House
07/04/08 - July Fourth
06/30/08 Asleep
Sunday, June 29, 2008
06/15/08 - Michael Schnur's Bris
Logan welcomed his new friend into the Jewish men's club! Although he didnt go to the bris he was very excited for his new friend. Logan hung out at Grandma and Grandpa while we went. Logan is finally able to wear the grand old opry tshirt we bought while he was still in utero. Its amazing that we bought it so long ago (Thanksgiving weekend) and he finally fits into it!
06/12/08 - Logan grasping toys
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